Hipcescu, also known as  the City of a Thousand Suns, is a reclusive communist city-state, located on the shores of the Caspian Sea. Hipcescu is ruled by V. Hipcescu, its undisputed leader of whom no known photograph exists. Unknown to most, the city is home to the highest building in the world, Hipcescu Tower (850m).

Hipcescu’s Ministry of Tourism and Information commissioned a website (www.hipcescu.com) and a print campaign which ran in The Economist, Newsweek, Vanity Fair and Time, amongst others. The campaign was highly successful and attracted scores of Western tourists, earning me and my team spacious apartments in the City of a Thousand Suns.

Client: Hipcescu Ministry of Tourism and Information. Concept: Timothy Harris, Olaf Zwetsloot. Creative direction / strategy / copy: Olaf Zwetsloot. 3D design and renderings: Olivier Greve. Logo and graphic design: Rutger Fuchs.

Hipcescu: Informacion

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    Hipcescu: City of a Thousand Suns

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